Our Community Transport fleet is used to facilitate our members attending lunch clubs, our weekly shopping services, social trips and visits, and for our weekly walking group. Our electric car is used as part of our NHS Community Car service, taking patients to non-emergency NHS appointments (please note this is by referral from their GP).
Our buses are also available for HIRE, either as a self-drive or with a volunteer (depending on availability).
Our volunteers help provide Community Transport, either driving or assisting passengers in one of our four minibuses or driving our electric car, assisting the elderly, people with additional support needs, children attending after-school clubs, local groups etc.
Please phone our office on 01698 888893 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a quote.
Introducing our 2 Flexilite minibuses, available to hire from May 2019. Both buses come with easy to use tail lifts, low access side step, internal CCTV; sat nav; front and rear parking sensors, defib and first aid kit, climate control and rear privacy glass. These buses can be driven on a normal car license although there are other restrictions in place. Please call for further details.
We were able to purchase these buses thanks to funding from the following organisations: Morrisons Foundation; ASDA Foundation; The Robertsons Trust; The Coop Community Fund and Tesco Bags of Help.
Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions - New Member Application Form
Request Quote
Minibus Travel Code of Conduct
Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust
LCCT are a voluntary organisation who provide support for cancer patients and their families. They offer clients who live in the NHS Lanarkshire area, who do not have transport of their own and/or who find it difficult to cope with sometimes prolonged ambulance journeys, free transport to:
- hospitals for treatment
- specialist clinics
- therapy centres
- day care facilities
To find out more, follow the link: