From April 2023, LDVG is an accredited Real Living Wage Employer

LW logo LW employer only



 OSCR150 LDVG is a charity registered with OSCR, number SC028557.






There are a number of ways you can help support us financially - see the Support Us - Other page.



We gratefully acknowledge support from the following organsations

Community fund 150

Morrisons Logo150Robertson Trust150



 asda foundation 150

 SPT Orange

Corra Logo



 Tesco Bags of Help 200SCSP logo Strapline RGB 2co op logo




 Patersons Quarries RGB


We are proud to have received the following recognition


SRAWinner 1  

Queens award logo

volunteer friendly150

committed 150



 goodfundraising 200

 IoF Organisational Member logo WEB 200







We would like to acknowlegde the unsold/excess food donations we receive from the following organisations



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